Maximising business opportunities during the summer months

The summer months can throw our routine out of kilt.The kids are off school, people go on holiday and quite frankly when we get some good weather here in the UK the last thing we want to think about is work.However, there are also lots of opportunities to be had during this period and being able to spot them and act upon them can help up stay on track of our goals in the long run.Here are some simple hacks to help you maximise those business opportunities this summer.

  1. Speak to new people

Being out of routine and enjoying the weather, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself in new places at different times than you normally would. Whether it’s the seaside, your local coffee shop, an event with your children or even being abroad. These are great opportunities to start conversations with new people which may open the door to a longer term, business connection.It may feel alien to approach someone you don’t know and start a conversation with them so my top tip here would be to think of some friendly opening lines to break the ice.Asking open questions and really listening to their answers will not only help you build rapport but will also enable you to determine whether you can help them from a business perspective or vice versa.

  1. Arrange a team meet up

Inviting your team to an informal meet up is a great way to connect in person and to share ideas which can help shed a new perspective on your own way of doing things. it’s also a way to reconnect with people who you may have been out of touch with for a while.Perhaps your schedules usually clash making it hard to catch up but with increased flexibility in the summer, this could be the perfect time to arrange a session with them.Having purposeful conversations around their current situation, what their passions are outside of their work and what stops them doing more of those things will give you an insight into their lifestyle. These types of conversations will allow you to demonstrate exactly how you can help them and how that help will translate into their lives.

  1. Invest in personal development

If you’re lucky enough to have a holiday this summer, why not commit to reading some books that will help you reach your goals?There are so many I could recommend to you, but I’d implore you to take a trip to a good old fashioned book shop and explore the non-fiction section. I promise you will come away with some treasures that won’t just entertain you but will help you become a better version of yourself.If reading isn’t your thing, try an audio book or podcast. A stress free and simple way to improve your knowledge and mindset from the luxury of a sunbed!

  1. Attend an event

Our events are both motivational, educational and a lot of fun and we’ve got plenty planned over the summer months. If you’re off work or your routine has changed, check out what’s going on in your area and make a commitment to attend an event that you might not usually be able to.We are always sharing helpful tips, industry insights and practical ways to help you grow your business so making the most of these sessions is only going to benefit you.There are also opportunities for you to bring along any connections you may have made throughout the summer. These events allow them to see how our business works and how being a part of it can benefit them.There’s no denying that we’re all in a challenging economic environment and things are only going to get worst in the coming months. It’s now our responsibility to be able identify and maximise opportunities to help people save and earn an additional income.Follow my social media for more tips and insights on growing your business.

Derek Thomas

Prior to starting his current business with UW, Derek dedicated 29 years to Primary Education, serving as a classroom practitioner, an Advisory Teacher for Information Technology, and ultimately as the Head of a Primary School until 2014.