In a world that feels very uncertain, it can be hard to keep positive and motivated.We’re bombarded with negative news and social media is full of conspiracy theories. Many people have lost their income and most of us miss the simple things like socialising, sporting events and embracing our families.It’s undoubtably one of the most strange and uncertain years most of us have lived through and so it’s completely natural to be affected by it.Something I really believe in is that our thoughts dictate our feelings. If we think negatively, we will feel down and vice versa. What’s more, negative thinking can be detrimental to our motivation levels, prevent us from reaching our goals, affect our sleep and be really damaging in the long term.So, during these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever that we try and stay positive.Here are some tips I use to stay on top of my mood and help banish those negative thoughts.
How we start our day has a huge impact on our energy for the rest of the day so creating a positive morning routine will get you off the best start. Set your alarm so you have some extra time to yourself each morning and use this time doing something which will boost your mood. This could include having a leisurely breakfast, repeating some positive affirmations, putting on some happy music or taking some time out for mediation or yoga. You could even try a mix of these things throughout the week!
With so many restrictions imposed on us all at the moment it’s normal to feel a loss of control, something that many people struggle with. Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, think of all the things you are in control of. You are the author of your own book; you control your mood and how you respond to things. Try not to think too far ahead as things are constantly changing and this can feel frustrating. Instead, focus on being in the present and making time to acknowledge how you feel about certain things so that you can change your response and reframe the negatives into positives.
Writing a list of the things you are grateful for is a great mood booster in itself but is also a handy reference on those days when you are struggling. Our natural instincts are programmed to be on high alert for threats which is why so many people are feeling a heightened state of stress and anxiety at present. This means we have to try harder to notice the good things, but they’re most certainly still there. Make it your goal to seek out the positives and add them to your list.
Social media and the media in general are having a huge impact on all our mental health and unless you make a dedicated effort, its almost impossible to avoid it. Simply being aware of the fact that these things affect our mood is the first step. The second step is to limit the amount of negative media you are consuming, perhaps not watching the news or scrolling through headlines first thing in the morning and last thing at night is a good place to start. There are lots of positive aspects of social media, mainly in keeping us connected during a particularly isolating time, but noting the impact it has on you and being honest with yourself is key.
One of the major things you are in control of is looking after yourself. The age old saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is true, you need to take care of yourself as a bare minimum to do any of the other things in your life including being a good parent, son, daughter, friend. Start by ensuring you’re getting enough sleep, maybe you need to make some adjustments to your routine. Next ensure you’re keeping as physically and mentally healthy as possible, eating a healthy diet and keeping active. All of these things have a big impact on our mental health so getting them in order will help in the long term.
There is a lot of pressure on everyone to adapt to the “new normal” but everyone’s circumstances are different and therefore their response will be different too. Remind yourself that it’s absolutely okay to have negative thoughts and to have days where things feel overwhelming. The important thing is being able to manage these days and have techniques to help you snap out of that anxiety and worry. Knowing your triggers and learning what helps you is all part of this process so don’t be hard on yourself. Take time out for you and practise some self-care.Remember, this moment is only temporary and there are lots of hidden opportunities so focus on the good and take one day at a time.