I read this quote recently and it got me thinking about the importance of focus in reaching our goals.“The only bird that dares to peck an eagle is the crow. It sits on its back and bites the eagle’s neck. However, the eagle does not respond nor fight with the crow, it spends no time on the crow instead the eagle opens its wing and soar higher to the heavens. The higher the flight the tougher it is for the crow to breathe then the crow fails down from the lack of energy.”To me, this analogy suggests that no matter what stage we are at in achieving our goals, there will always be distractions. There will also be challenges and obstacles that will test us but if we can remain focussed, we can rise above them and they’ll dissipate, just like the crow.I’d like to differentiate distractions from obstacles, even though they have the same effect in taking us away from our goals. The main reason for this is because I believe we have much more control over what distracts us but secondly, we can then begin to identify our most common causes for distraction and start working on them.
One major cause of distraction that most of us can relate to is our phone. Whether it’s scrolling through social media, picking up emails when you’re trying to focus on a task or a meeting or being taken in by notifications and then finding yourself still looking at your phone 15 minutes later.
It’s all about balance. Having instant access to our emails, contacts and the internet can be extremely useful at times but when your phone begins to take you away from your to-do list and becomes a form of procrastination, you know you need to change something.One thing I find helpful when I am working on a time sensitive or mentally challenging task is to turn off notifications or even put the phone away from my desk so I can’t simply reach for it. Much of the scrolling we do is habitual and purposeless so putting my phone out of reach makes it easier to break these habits and instead, focus on the task at hand.It’s likely that you’ve discovered other forms of distraction since working remotely because you’re suddenly surrounded by them in your home. Spend some time thinking about what is taking your energy and attention away from progressing your goals, write them down and then think about ways you can limit these distractions.Obstacles on the other hand are unpredictable and there’s not always a clear path the avoid them.
When you are faced with a challenge or obstacle, it’s important to remain calm and rational to work out the best way to overcome it, this is your focus.You’ve already defined your goal so you have a clear vision of what you want, therefore you need to look for the path that will lead to this outcome. Having this focus will help you to make the best decision regardless of the challenges thrown in your way.Yes, you may have to compromise or make a detour along the way, but your strong, clear focus will ensure you get back on track as soon as possible.So, remember to try and limit your time spent on things that take you away from your goals. Simply being aware of these things is the first step in beginning to make the right choices.And secondly, ensure you have a strong and clear vision of what achieving your goals will look like. This is what will help you stay on track whether it’s avoiding distractions or overcoming challenges, your vision will drive you forward.A great way to truly focus on your goals is through visualisation. This brings in an emotional attachment and really defines your purpose. I’ve written a blog on this topic which you can read here.Let me know how you get on!